
Removes the “priority” flag from the provided steps. Priority steps will be moved to the top and kept on subsequent runs of the Technical Health Improvement Plan for the provided system.

In order to see changes to the Technical Health Improvement Plan made by prioritization, you must re-run produce_thip. Note that after prioritization, the order and number non-priority steps may change.

Also note that the core size for a provided step is contingent on all previous steps being completed. Moving a step with a very small core size to the top will likely not result in a more rapid decrease of core size.

Usage: system thip step de-prioritize [--steps <steps>] [--language <language>] [--core <core_number>] [--all]

required arguments:


A comma-delimited list of step numbers to de-prioritize.


Remove prioritization from all steps in the provided core/language combo.

One of --steps or -all must be provided. It is an error to provide both.

optional arguments:


The core to look for steps in. Defaults to 1.


The language to look for steps in. Defaults to the primary language.