repair (2)

A corrupted system is a system with an unreadable configuration file. Repairing a corrupted system rebuilds the configuration to an initial, non-corrupted state. All of a corrupted system’s custom configuration will be lost when the system is repaired. The repair command will have no effect on non-corrupted systems.

When a system is corrupted, prohibited operations include, but are not limited to: * running/cleaning jobs * setting configuration values * renaming the system * verifying system architecture

The origin is the path to the source code, unprocessed, or processed metadata providing the backing data for the system. If a corrupted system has no system database or source code directory, an origin is needed so that subsequent jobs can use it to rebuild the system database. Attempting to repair multiple selected systems while passing in an origin argument will fail. When repairing multiple selected systems, each system must have a system database or a code directory or that system will not be repaired.

usage: cmri system repair <--origin origin>

optional arguments:

-o, --origin

The path to the source code or metadata for the system. This argument may not be passed to the repair command if multple systems are selected. This argument may be omitted from the repair command if the system already has either a system database, or a code directory. If an origin is provided and the system already has a system database and/or a code directory, the configuration will be rebuilt from the user-provided origin.