rename (3)

Attempts to assign a new name or version to the selected system. It is an error to try to rename more than one system.

usage: cmri system rename [<--name name>] [<--version version>]

optional arguments:


The new name to give to the system. If the name contains spaces, they will be converted to underscores.


The new version to give to the system. If the version contains spaces, they will be removed.

One of --name or --version must be supplied.

If the new name or new version conflict with an existing system, the command will refuse to overwrite the existing system and fail.

In order to ensure that only a single system is selected, use the common --selection option as shown below:

system rename --selection myproject/mysystem-1.0 --name mysystem-new --version 1.1

For more information about selection options, see CodeMRI CLI Reference or run cmri --help.

Concurrent Use

While renaming systems, the CLI will attempt to acquire a lock on both the system being renamed and its containing project. If a another operation is in progress on the system to be renamed or its containing project the rename operation will wait up to 5 seconds before timing out and failing.

If a mass-rename is in progress in a given project by a given user, rename operations submitted by other users may time out and fail.