history (2)

Output job event history for all selected projects. This is useful when debugging issues with automated scripts or CI builds.

usage: cmri project job history [--start-time <start_time>] [--end-time <end_time>] [--completion-only]

optional arguments:

-S, --start-time

Returns job history events with a status time greater-than or equal-to this time. For argument value, use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (24 hour format) or MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM am/pm (12 hour format). You may also enter time in epochal milliseconds (e.g. 1573174471667).

-e, --end-time

Returns job history events with a status time less-than or equal-to this time. For argument value, use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (24 hour format) or MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM am/pm (12 hour format). You may also enter time in epochal milliseconds (e.g. 1573174471667).

-c, --completion-only

Returns job history events with a status equal to complete.

Output Fields


The identifier of the project vault element in the format <project_name>.


The name of the job event that occurred.


The identifier of the user that ran this job event in the format <user_name>@<host_name>.


The time that the job event was run in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM or epochal milliseconds (e.g. 1573174471667).


The status of the job event.

  • init: The job runner has initialized its variables and is ready to begin executing jobs.

  • started: Job execution has begun.

  • complete: The job runner has finished executing jobs.

  • passed: Job execution has completed successfully.

  • skipped: The job was skipped because it was either not applicable to the given target, or the job determined that it should be skipped.

  • failed: The job has reported that execution failed.

  • error: An unexpected error either during job setup, or job execution, and the job cannot continue running.


The list of arguments that were passed into the job event.