query (2)

Provides an interface to search for steps within the entirety of the technical health improvement plan across all languages and cores within languages. Steps can be filtered by one or more supported filters, see below for a full list.

Usage: system thip step query [filters...]

Filter Options:


A comma-delimited list of expressions matching languages. See below for details about expressions.


A comma-delimited list of core numbers to filter by. Must be positive non-zero integers.


A comma-delimited list of expressions matching components initiating step relationships. See below for details about expressions.


A comma-delimited list of expressions matching components referenced in step relationships.


A comma-delimited list of expressions matching files initiating step relationships. See below for details about expressions.


A comma-delimited list of expressions matching files referenced in step relationships. See below for details about expressions.

The step query interface supports wildcard expressions, with the following characters:

  • * matches any number of any character. For example, fs/* will match anything starting with fs/*.

  • ? matches any single character.

  • [chars] matches any character within the brackets. For example, [abc] will match a, b, or c.

  • [!chars] matches any character not within the brackets. For example, [!abc] will match anything that is not a, b, or c.

To match names that contain the literal characters *, ?, or [ escape them by wrapping them in brackets. i.e. [*], [?], [[] respectively.

Multiple expressions are combined using OR, whereas filters are combined using AND. For example, the command:

system thip step query --from-component networking,graphics --to-component base

will match anything coming from networking or graphics, and going to base.

Describing steps

To get more details about a specific step within the query results, use the system thip step describe (see describe) command. A specific step can be referenced by its language, core, and step number combination. For example:

C++              1       4  kernel            fs              kernel/hd.c  fs/super.c            3                    1

The command to retrieve step details for the step in the results would be:

system thip step describe --language C++ --core 1 --step 4

Please note that unlike the system query command, chaining of THIP query results is not possible.