list (7)

Retrieves file and component information based on a user supplied name and component argument.

usage: cmri system file list [--name <expression>] [--component <expression...>] [--file-property-<property> <value>]

optional arguments:

--n, --name

Name of the file to search for. If not provided, all files will be displayed. Can accept wildcard characters.

--c, --component

Name of the component to search for. If not provided, all components will be displayed. Can accept wildcard characters.


Name of the file property / value combination to search for. If not provided, results will not be filtered by file property. Example usage: --file-property-fp_SCM True.

output fields:


The system containing the file.


The relative path, from the code directory, of the file.


The component the file is assigned to. May be blank if the file is not assigned a component.


The language of the file. May be blank if inventory information is not available.


The number of lines of code in the file. May be blank if inventory information is not available.

Please note that this command may display files not present in the reports. This is due to how CodeMRI processes files:

  • CodeMRI removes files deemed “isolates” from reports. A file is an “isolate” if: - it does not depend on any other files. - no other files depend on it.

  • Files may be excluded from scans. If a file is excluded from a scan, it will not be present in any reports and may not have any file metrics associated with it. These files will still be present in the output of this command as CodeMRI records file system metadata about all files within the code directory.