Issue Commands to CodeMRI®


CodeMRI® Sys Admin Training Videos:

Issue Commands to CodeMRI®

Once a vault has been created, there are two ways to issue commands to code. The first way is to use the keyword cmri followed by the command. The second way is to enter into CodeMRI®'s, interactive shell. There are a few ways to enter into the shell. You can change directory into your vault and type in cmri shell.

You can from any directory, type in cmri - -vault with the path to your vault, and then shell, that will also put you in the. and if you don't want to CD into your vault and you don't want to type out your vault path every time, you can make a global variable for your operating system for cmri vault that points to the path of your vault.

You can do this on both Linux and Windows. For example, I have a vault in this directory, and I've named it Vault. I can type in cmri shell. And it takes me right to it because I have my vault listed as a global variable. When you're in your vault, if you want to leave, you can type exit and then you're out.