Use CodeMRI® Helper Commands


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Use CodeMRI® Helper Commands

CodeMRI® also provides help commands. You can type in --help to get general help information. You can type in job list to get a list of all the jobs that are available and to see details about a particular job. You can type in job describe, followed by the job name. So let's take a look at each one of.

First thing, I will enter my vault cmri shell, and then once inside my vault, type in --help and we'll display some general help information. Enter we will advance this by a line. The space bar will advance it by a page. You can type in Q to exit. We can look at all the jobs that are available by typing in job list. And this will provide a fairly exhaustive list of all the jobs available.

Now, there's a job we want to see specifically. Produce reports is a very common job, so let's look at the details, job describe, and then job name. So produce _ reports, and we can see here, It'll print out the name of the job. It'll print out the dependencies. The dependencies or other jobs this job depends on. This is quite nice, so there's no, prerequisites for typing in a job. There aren't other jobs the user has to run first CodeMRI® knows which jobs needs to run, and will run them on its own.

The job described function will also produce all the optional parameters as well as. Some explanation of each parameter, what they all mean. It'll describe what the job does. This particular job produces multiple reports and it lists the reports that it creates.