Produce CodeMRI® Reports


CodeMRI® Sys Admin Training Videos:

Produce CodeMRI® Reports

Two of the most common jobs in CodeMRI® are to produce reports and to produce a technical health improvement plan report. To produce reports, you type in job run and then produce _ reports to run anything in CodeMRI®, any job you type in, job run, and then the name of the job. So, to produce reports, it's produce_reports.

To produce a technical health improvement plan or a THIP, it's job run produce_thip. So, let's take a look at that. Now we'll enter my vault here through the Shell cmri shell. I'm in my vault. There's no project selected, so I've just select a system in order to run a job against it. So, select --add Axis/*. Now I've selected a project and a system. We can look at vault list to verify what was selected in this case. I only have two things in there. I have the Axis project and the Axis to system under the Axis project, so those both selected, we can enter a job run.

Produce underscore reports, and the job's kicked off. This takes a little while to run. It depends on the size of the codebase is being run against. It could take anywhere from, uh, minutes to up to a few hours, depending upon the size of the codebase. So, let's skip ahead to where this job has finished.

I'm sure the produce reports is run successfully. And we can verify that by looking in the directory where the reports get created. So, let's look at that right now. If I open up a directory to my vault, which is in home James Vault, and I look under reports, under the Axis Project, under the Axis2 System, I'll find a directory for every language that CodeMRI® was able to scan.

In this case, it scanned the Java language. And inside of there, there are five reports that produce reports that it would create. So let's go back to the Shell, and inside the Shell we will create the next report, the technical health improvement plan, or the THIP, so we can run, job run, and then the name of the job produce_thip and job is running. And again, this could take a little while, depends a few minutes to a few hours, depending upon the size of the codebase. So, let's skip ahead to the end. The technical health report has completed successfully. And we can verify that by looking in the directory where the reports are created. Let's take a look there. And when we look in our directory of reports, we now have one more report, technical health Improvement plan or THIP. So that is how we create the reports.